Tuesday, April 28, 2009

etymology (2)

12. program: 1633, "public notice," from L.L. programma "proclamation, edict," from Gk. programma (gen. programmatos) "a written public notice," from stem of prographein "to write publicly," from pro- "forth" + graphein "to write." General sense of "a definite plan or scheme" is recorded from 1837. Meaning "list of pieces at a concert, playbill" first recorded 1805 and retains the original sense. That of "objects or events suggested by music" is from 1854. Sense of "broadcasting presentation" is from 1923. Computer sense (n.,v.) is from 1945; hence programmer "person who programs computers," attested from 1948. Spelling programme, sometimes preferred in Britain, is from French and began to be used early 19c. The verb in the fig. sense of "to train to behave in a predetermined way" is from 1963.

A program usually tells you what will be performed in the concert.

13. emcee: 1933, abbrev. of master of ceremonies. The term originates from the Catholic Church. The Master of Ceremonies is an official of the Papal Court responsible for the proper and smooth conduct of the elegant and elaborate rituals involving the Pope and the Sacred Liturgy. He may also be an official involved in the proper conduct of protocols and ceremonials involving the Roman Pontiff, the Papal Court, and other dignitaries and potentates. Examples of official liturgical books prescribing the rules and regulations of liturgical celebrations are Cæremoniale Romanum and Cæremoniale Episcoporum.

It's interesting that it's from the Catholic Church. I am surprised that wedding MCs start training often at a young age. (according to Wiki pedia)

14. concert: 1665, from Fr., from It. concerto "concert, harmony," from concertare "bring into agreement," in L. "to contend, contest," from com- "with" + certare "to contend, strive," freq. of certus, var. pp. of cernere "separate, decide" (see crisis). Before the word entered Eng., meaning shifted from "to strive against" to "to strive alongside." But Klein considers this too much of a stretch and suggests L. concentare "to sing together" (from con- + cantare "to sing") as the source of the It. word. Sense of "public musical performance" is 1689. Concerto was borrowed 1730 directly from It. as a musical term.

A storytelling concert doesn't always have music but I think it means harmony.

15.live (adj) : 1542, "having life," later (1611) "burning, glowing," aphetic of alive (q.v.). Sense of "containing unspent energy or power" (live ammunition, etc.) is from 1799; live wire is attested from 1890; fig. sense of "active person" is from 1903. Meaning "in-person (performance)" is first attested 1934. Livestock is attested from 1523 (see stock (n.2)).

I guess a live concert means it contains the feeling of burning and glowing by being there with the performers.

16. information: 1387, "act of informing," from O.Fr. informacion, from L. informationem (nom. informatio) "outline, concept, idea," noun of action from informare (see inform). Meaning "knowledge communicated" is from c.1450. Short form info is attested from 1906. Info-mercial and info-tainment are from 1983.

Different storytellers deliver different informaiton in the stories.

17. matinee: 1848, from Fr. matinée (musicale), from matin "morning" (with a sense here of "daytime"), from O.Fr. matines (see matins).

a musical or dramatic performance or social or public event held in the daytime and especially the afternoon http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/matinee

I don't understand why it's in the afternoon when the orgin is morning. Maybe people don't get up early in the morning now.

18. interaction: 1832, from inter- + action. The verb interact is first attested 1839.
inter: L. inter (prep., adj.) "among, between," from PIE *enter "between, among" (cf. Skt. antar, O.Pers. antar "among, between," Gk. entera (pl.) "intestines," O.Ir. eter, O.Welsh ithr "among, between," Goth. undar, O.E. under "under"), a comparative of *en- "in." Also in certain L. phrases in Eng., such as inter alia "among other things." Spelled entre- in Fr., most words borrowed into Eng. in that form were re-spelled 16c. to conform with L. except entertain, enterprise.
action: c.1360, from O.Fr. action, from L. actionem (nom. actio), from stem of agere "to do" (see act). Meaning "fighting" is from 1599. As a film director's command, it is attested from 1923. Meaning "excitement" is recorded from 1968. Phrase actions speak louder than words is attested from 1845.

19. dialogue: c.1225, "literary work consisting of a conversation between two or more people," from O.Fr. dialoge, from L. dialogus, from Gk. dialogos, related to dialogesthai "converse," from dia- "across" + legein "speak" (see lecture). Sense broadened to "a conversation" 1401. Mistaken belief that it can only mean "conversation between two persons" is from confusion of dia- and di-.

Including dialogues in stories creates imagery.

20. art: c.1225, "skill as a result of learning or practice," from O.Fr. art, from L. artem, (nom. ars) "art, skill, craft," from PIE *ar-ti- (cf. Skt. rtih "manner, mode;" Gk. arti "just," artios "complete;" Armenian arnam "make," Ger. art "manner, mode"), from base *ar- "fit together, join" (see arm (1)). In M.E. usually with sense of "skill in scholarship and learning" (c.1305),

I used to think art is born with. I did not have a talent of art. I just learned that it's a skill as a result of learning or practice. Now I have the hope to be artistic in the future. Hopefully I can learn the art of storytelling.

21. issue: c.1300, from O.Fr. issue "a way out, exit," from fem. pp. of issir "to go out," from L. exire, from ex- "out" + ire "go." Meaning "discharge of blood or other fluid from the body" is from 1526; sense of "offspring" is from 1377. Meaning "outcome of an action" is attested from 1382; legal sense of "point in question at the conclusion of the presentation by both parties in a suit" (1308 in Anglo-Fr.) led to transf. sense of "a point to be decided" (1836). Meaning "action of sending into publication or circulation" is from 1833. The verb meaning "to flow out" (c.1300) is from O.Fr. issu, pp. of issir; sense of "to send out authoritatively" is from 1601; that of "to supply (someone with something)" is from 1925.

Stories deal with different issues.

22. drama: 1515, from L.L. drama "play, drama," from Gk. drama (gen. dramatos) "play, action, deed," from dran "to do, act, perform." Dramatic "appropriate to drama" is from 1725. Dramatis personæ 1730, from L., lit. "persons of a drama."

23. literature: c.1375, from L. lit(t)eratura "learning, writing, grammar," originally "writing formed with letters," from lit(t)era "letter." Originally "book learning" (it replaced O.E. boccræft), the meaning "literary production or work" is first attested 1779 in Johnson's "Lives of the English Poets" (he didn't include this definition in his dictionary, however); that of "body of writings from a period or people" is first recorded 1812

Writing formed with letters and with good grammar and contents makes good literature . Many story tellers are good writers. Some tell stories from literature.

24: oral:1625, from L.L. oralis, from L. os (gen. oris) "mouth, opening, face, entrance," from PIE *os-/*ous- "mouth" (cf. Skt. asan "mouth," asyam "mouth, opening," Avestan ah-, Hittite aish, M.Ir. a "mouth," O.N. oss "mouth of a river," O.E. or "beginning, origin, front"). Psychological meaning "of the mouth as the focus of infantile sexual energy" (e.g. oral fixation) is from 1910. The sexual sense is first recorded 1948, in Kinsey

Oral tradition passed lots of stories to the next generation.

25. hero: 1387, "man of superhuman strength or courage," from L. heros "hero," from Gk. heros "demi-god" (a variant singular of which was heroe), originally "defender, protector," from PIE base *ser- "to watch over, protect" (cf. L. servare "to save, deliver, preserve, protect"). Sense of "chief male character in a play, story, etc." first recorded 1697. Fem. form heroine first attested 1659, from L. heroina, from Gk. heroine. First record of hero-worship is from 1774. Heroic verse (1617), decasyllabic iambic, is from It. Hero, the New York term for a sandwich elsewhere called submarine, grinder, poor boy (New Orleans), or hoagie (Philadelphia), is 1955, origin unknown, perhaps folk etymology of Gk. gyro, a type of sandwich.

We are all heros in our life journey. We should all respond to the call.

The End. Thank you for your patience.

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