Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lisa's Conglomeration of a Journal!


1.Abacus-Derived from Greek word abax (sand tray); pebbles were laid out on sand for counting purposes!
2.Addict-Slaves of Roman soldiers who were awarded to them for heroic battle performance;
3.Ballot-Italian word for "small ball or pebble"; voting was once donne by casting pebble into box.
4.Bead-Old English word "gebed" meaning "prayer"
5.Biscuit-Mediaeval French 'Bis + cuit' meaning 'cooked twice'
6.Bulimia-Greek word meaning "ox" and "limos" meaning "hunger"; someone with Bulimia has the appetite of an ox.
7.Cab-Ancient Italian term for goat; first carriages "for public hire" bounced to the point of reminding people of goats romping on a hillside.
8.Cantar-From Latin "Cantare" meaning "to sing again"; meaning "to sing"
9.Catharsis-Early Modern English used in the sense of "vomiting"; originally from the Greek.
10.Chaos-From Greek "chainein" meaning "to yawn"; chaos was the "original yawning abyss" outside of the ordered universe we know.
12.Cheers-From the Greek "Kara" for "face"; the Latin "Cara"; and the Old French "Chiere" for the same. Be of good cheer means "Put on a happy face."
13.Cretin-From the French "Cretin" which originally meant "Christian."
14.Curfew-From the French "couvrir feu," literally, "cover fire"
15.Elite-From the Latin "elire" meaning "to choose" from which we also get the modern Spanish word meaning the same, "eligir".
16.Fowl-From the Old English "fugol" meaning "bird."
17.Hierarchy-Originally was medieval classification of angels into various ranks.
18.Hablar-Spanish (to speak); from Latin "Fabulare" meaning, "to tell fables."
19.Kampf(German)-Struggle; from the Latin "campus" for a type of fortification where Roman soldiers had military drills, from which we also have the English words "camp," "campus," and "champion." Subtle military overtones when talking of a "college campus."
20.Muscle-From the Latin "mus" (mouse); the little mouse that runs beneath the skin when you flex.
21.Pay-Latin origon;"pax" peace, by way of appease or pacify. "Pay" originally meant "pay off" to keep the peace.

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