Thursday, July 16, 2009



#8 google - Steve pointed out I used this in my blog yesterday so I figured I might as well use it. Just for the fun of it I checked the etymology of google.
google (v.) Look up google at
"to search (something) on the Google search engine," 2000 (do a google on was used by 1999). The domain was registered in 1997. A verbgoogle was an early 20c. cricket term in ref. to a type of breaking ball.

#9 blog - well since we have a class blog I figured I should add it (I don't remember if anyone else did). This is the first blog I have ever written on so it is new to me (and I'm sure many others)

#10 tool - This is not a new word but I have heard a new definition for it. "What a tool!" a friend of mine said in reference to his friend who was dressed entirely in clothing with logos from a university he was just accepted to on an athletic scholarship. We know what tools are used for, to get a certain job done. In this sense this boy was a tool because he was being used by the university to advertise for them (though I'm sure he didn't view himself that way)

#11-13 feed - I was looking at the website (could that be another neologism? A collected of related (web) pages (sites) that people can look at on the internet) of the church I go to in CA. They have a link (an icon you click on that connects you to another website) for "Feed" which is where you can get all of the updated news of the church. You can also listen to past seminars or sermons. It is connected to being fed (think literally). I think someone in our class mentioned "Food for your soul" so it is connected with that.

#14 ginormous - My cousin loves to use this word. It is a combination for giant and enormous, a blend as we talked about in class. So it is more than giant, it is more than enormous, put them together and you get ginormous!

Language Usage

#10 - One of the pastors at my church lost his 5 month old son a couple of weeks ago in a freak accident. Since then he and his wife have set up a blog to share how they are doing. I was reading it today and was struck by what his wife wrote after her mother left to head back home, here is just a part of it:

What an interesting place to be. I feel like I am in a sense at a crossroads. I am saying goodbye to so many things, my sweet boy, my planss for his future, my family going home. I also feel like I am saying hello....hello to my new life without my Tyler, hello to a renewed perspective on being a mommy and wife, hello to a whole new chapter of living and trusting the Lord.

I was struck by the beauty of her words in such an unimaginable time. She starts with what she is saying goodbye to (notice the use of three things) and ends with what she is saying hello to (another use of three things). Goodbye is contrasted by hello, a sense of hope. It feels odd to go much more into the details of the structure of it because it is representing such a profound time in her life, but I thought it was a good example just the same.

#11-13 - I was watching a movie the other night, I believe it is called "The Neighbor" The premise is that a lady is trying to get her upstairs neighbor to move out so she can buy his condo and combine in with the one she is living in now. She's sitting at the table and her friends are trying to encourage her to work harder at getting him out to which she replies:
"Slow and steady wins the race." her friends add to that "Only fools rush in" and "Two wrongs doing make a right, but three lefts do." They mentioned some other sayings like these as well. The first one is a reference to Aesop's Fable "The Tortoise and the Hare" in which the tortoise is slow yet humble, and the hare is fast yet prideful. The Tortoise of course wins so it is alluding to the fact that sometimes you just have to keep going and those who aren't so humble will get themselves into trouble, you don't have to help them try to find trouble. The second is kind of a take off of that. The message is to take your time, make sure you know what you are doing and be smart. If you go too fast you might mess up because you're not giving yourself enough time to process an think everything through, if you knew what you were getting yourself into you might not go so fast.
I thought the last one was funny, I'm not sure I've heard it before. There's a play on the word "right" (is that a homophone like we talked about in class? spelled the same way, pronounced the same way, but two different meanings) The first "right" is talking about correctness, it reminds me of "A negative times a negative is a positive" except in the case of wrong and right it doesn't work. The second "right" is talking about direction. A fun little play on words.

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