Friday, July 17, 2009

Steve Evans: Language Usage 17-18 and Etymology 13

These two uses of the English language come from the Johnson City Press, Thursday July 16, 2009.

Page B1 Headline: Going “green” saving green for ETSU
Page 6A Headline: Beware of fame’s finicky funhouse of mirrors

Both of these headlines have alliteration: three Gs in the first and three Fs in the second. These also reflect the “triplet” characteristic so common in the American English language.

In addition to the alliteration, the first of these two examples also contains a play on words: green. The standard use of this word denotes a specific color. Here, though, ths usage refers to green as in the ecology and green as in the color of money. Being green means being sensitive to the environment and saviing green means saving money.

Sine I’ve referred to alliteration so many times, I thought I would check the morphology of it:


1656, "to begin with the same letter," from Mod.L. alliterationem (nom. alliteratio) from alliteratus, pp. of alliterare, from L. ad- "to" + littera (also litera) "letter, script" (see letter). Formed on model of obliteration, etc.

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